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Novosti News

20.4.2014. 11:02
Govor Moshe Kantora u Lenjingradu

Excerpt from EJC President Moshe Kantor’s address at the International Conference on Neo-Fascism in Europe: 70 Years Later, St. Petersburg, March 30, 2014

Izvadak iz govora predsjednika Europskog Židovskog Kongresa Moshe Kantora na Internacionalnoj konferenciji (30 .ožujka 2014)  o neofašizmu u Europi: "70 godina kasnije" 

“We have come together in a city that survived one of the greatest tragedies of the 20th century – the siege of Leningrad. It was a terrible war crime. Today, 70 years after the Holocaust, on the eve of the anniversary of the Great Victory over Nazism, we are facing a rapid growth, revival of neo-Nazism, xenophobia, racism and anti-Semitism in a prosperous Europe. Our fathers and grandfathers, who defeated Nazism and witnessed the Nuremberg Trials, could have hardly imagined in their worst nightmares that fascism (let’s speak plainly) could resurge in Europe....

Jews had inhabited Europe for millennia before Christianity emerged. They brought Christianity to Europe about two millennia ago and have always experienced pressure from anti-Semites.

We see that the lowest number of serious anti-Semitic incidents in the world was recorded in 1989, and that incidents increased almost twelvefold during the economic crisis in 2008-2009. Financial and economic pressures associated with the global recession, such as unemployment, are certainly one factor... Youth unemployment at 20%-25% has produced a “lost generation,” which realises that their parents’ standard of living will most likely be unattainable for them, and their day-to-day struggle for survival erodes memory. They perceive the Holocaust as an old-time legend...

Classic neo-Nazi parties with notorious symbols and rhetoric, with public marches and slogans against Jews, Roma and immigrants in general, have gained strength in Greece and Hungary. In France, the Netherlands and other countries we witness ultra-right parties with nationalist ideology, parties that do little to hide their racist and anti-Semitic nature, are gaining popularity.

According to our forecast, the European Parliament itself will become more polarised in the upcoming elections. The share of mainstream moderate parties may decrease from the current 72% to 65%.According to the latest public opinion polls, up to 20% of the seats will be won by parties that are either critical about the EU (so-called “Eurosceptics”) or radically opposed to it. A possible new group on the radical right could be formed and led by the French Front National that will include the Dutch PVV, Austrian FPÖ, Belgian Vlaams Belang, Italian Lega Nord and Swedish Democrats.Jobbik has attempted to extend its influence on neighbouring countries such as Romania....

Only a consolidated coalition of all interested parties can solve the issues of common security. Otherwise, the consequences may be deplorable. We are moving quickly down the road that leads to a place where the agenda will be decided by ultra-nationalists and neo-Nazis appealing to the vilest side of the human soul.

What can we do?

...The imperative of our time is to make tolerance secure, to channel the concept of tolerance into the legal field. The main task of this extremely complex mission is to return tolerance to its original civilizational nature and bring it back to its Judeo-Christian, European standards and roots.

I am confident that only innovative legal theory and practice based on the concept of secure tolerance will help us recover from historical amnesia and stop the increasing threat of neo-fascism. That is what I consider the new creative paradigm for 21st century Europe. It is our duty to past, present and future generations.

Thank you.  
Dr Moshe Kantor



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