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Novosti News

1.1.2016. 12:41
Učenje o Holokaustu

Primili smo poziv i materijale za seminar koji se održao 19. prosinca u Beogradu,  a čiji su organizatori bili Knjižnice u Srbiji, Kuća Ane Frank i Terraforming ( Stockholm-Amsterdam-Novi sad)  s ciljem  da se nađu pedagoške metode koje će knjižnicama omogućiti bolje sjećanje ,komemoriranje i učenje o Holokaustu. 

 Seminar je završni dio akcije  IHRA provedene u 19 gradova Srbije  i 40 biblioteka  i škola   kao "Dani sjećanja" i  "Čitajmo i pišimo  s Anom Frank".

Ovdje je originalni tekst:

The seminar „New Tools for Holocaust Education in Libraries: Using Literature to Bring Pedagogical Content To Memorial Day Commemorations“ was a final event of the IHRA supported project “Dani sećanja” (The Days of Remembrance) – a partnership between the Anne Frank House Amsterdam, the National Library of Serbia, and Terraforming (Stockholm – Amsterdam – Novi Sad). 

During 18 months, a group of international and Serbian experts has developed a new pedagogical format for libraries to contribute original pedagogical content to the memorial day commemorations in Serbia.

With aim to increase interest for Holocaust education among libraries in Serbia, and in order to collect valuable feedback for development of “The Days of Remembrance” concept, the exhibition “Reading and Writing With Anne Frank” was presented in more than 40 libraries and schools in 19 cities around Serbia. 

The result of the process is a new online platform, a modular interactive tool that will allow librarians and teachers to build their own lesson plans for particular memorial days, based on literature available in local libraries. This concept will allow educators to adjust the content of the educational material related to specific memorial day to particular group of students, having in mind their age, their particular interests, overall performance in school, but also to fine-tune the content in order to relate it to other topics they currently teach in the frames of the school curriculum.

During the seminar, “The Days of Remembrance” concept was presented, as well as other results and experiences of the project. The seminar brought together participants from Serbia, Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Hungary, Austria, France, Sweden and the Netherlands.