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Novosti News

25.6.2016. 10:40
Novi praznik u Izraelu- Aliya day

It's official: Aliya Day to be a national holiday

The Knesset passed in a final reading a law instituting the holiday on the seventh of the Hebrew month of Heshvan, coinciding with the reading of the Torah portion in which Abraham is told to leave his home to go to what is now Israel.

Kneset je odobrio finalni tekst zakona kojim se ustanovljava novi praznik na sedmog Hershvana - Aliya day. Kao osnova je u dijeluTore u kojoj je Abrahamu kazano da napusti svoj dom i da ide u područje današnjeg Izraela. Zakon je predložen od nekoliko ministara i čelnika organizacija.

Aliya Day u školama će se učiti o doprinosu imigranata u stvaranju Izraela, kabinet će imati secijalnu sjednicu i  biti će ceremonija u rezidenciji predsjednika, IDF i policiji.

It is the ideal of aliya and the pioneering contributions of immigrants in each generation that make this the easiest time in history to be a Jew living in the Land of Israel.” 

Israel - a country made up nearly entirely of immigrants and their descendants — has formally declared a new national holiday celebrating its Jewish immigrants and acknowledging their various contributions to the state, the Times of Israel reports.

Nearly all Israelis are the descendants of immigrants, many of whom fled Europe before and after the Holocaust, or were expelled from Arab countries in the early 1950s.