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Novosti News

11.8.2016. 10:51
Lithuanian mayor urged to stop parties at former concentration camp

Od Litvanskog gradonačelnika se traži da prestanu  "partiji" na mjestu nekadašnjeg nacističkog logora.

A boy playing soccer at the entrance to the former concentration camp known as the Seventh Fort in Kaunas, Lithuania, on July 12, 2016. (JTA/Cnaan Liphshiz)

(JTA) — A prominent Nazi-hunter from Israel and the Jewish Community of Lithuania called on the city of Kaunas to stop the use for recreational purposes of what used to be a concentration camp for Jews during the Holocaust. Efraim Zuroff, the Israel director of the Simon Wiesenthal Center, on Tuesday wrote a letter about the area known as the Seventh Fort to Kaunas Mayor Visvaldas Matijosaitis.

Poznati  izraelski lovac na naciste  je zajedno sa Židovskom zajednicom Litve  tražio od grada Kaunasa da prestane upotrebljavati za rekreaciju nekadašnji koncentracijski logor za Židove u  Holokaustu..

Tamo su se održavale razne aktovmosti kao "lov na blago", ljetni kampovi, maskenbal, ekskurzije . Mjesto gdje su 1941 masovno ubijeni Židovi je privatizirano prije nekoliko godina i pretvoreno u rekreacijski i zabavni centar....

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“The Lithuanian Jewish Community believes Lithuanian institutions must make sure the memory of the victims of the Holocaust doesn’t become subject to private business schemes,” read the community’s statement. “Unfortunately, the Seventh Fort, the first concentration camp in Lithuania, has become an notorious example of this sort of exploitation, despite constant calls by the Lithuanian Jewish Communi