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Novosti News

22.10.2016. 12:39
A guard at the Moscow Choral Synagogue was seriously wounded on Saturday night after being shot by a man who came to the grand central house of prayer for the Jewish community with apparent plans to set it ablaze. Nobody else was reported to be injured.

Čuvar u Moskovskoj Choral Sinagogi je ozbiljno ranjen u subotu navečer nakon pucnja jednog čovjeka koji je došao u sinagogu sa očitim planom napada. To je bio 40-godišnji Moslovljanin  koji je došao u sinagogu sa pištoljem i kontejnerom gazolina. Kada ga je  čuvar zaustavio on je pucao na čuvara, ali je odmah uhićen.Nitko drugi nije ranjen. Straže su pojačane osobito za ppraznike.

Pinchas Goldschmidt,   glavni rabin u Moskvi who is the chief rabbi of Moscow, president of the Conference of European Rabbis and spiritual leader of the Moscow Choral Synagogue. There were 150 congregants present at the time, including Goldschmidt.

Rabbi Goldschmidt said, "The evening prayer were conducted as usual, and we will conduct the High Holiday prayers as usual. We work in conjunction with the Moscow police, and we call on the Jewish citizens of the Russian capital to join us tomorrow evening in the New Year's prayer service as sign of solidarity against antisemitism."