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Novosti News

27.1.2017. 15:27
Yom Hashoah
On International Holocaust Remembrance Day Pope Francis meets with EJC Delegation headed by its President Dr. Moshe Kantor at the Vatican

EJC President Dr. Moshe Kantor met with the Pope in the Vatican today and said that he considers the audience a gesture of brotherhood towards every Jew.  “Jews still bear the marks of the Shoah in their hearts and even today continue to be threatened by Antisemitism in all its vicious forms,” Dr. Kantor said, praising the visit by the Pope to Auschwitz last year.

"The Holocaust is a memorial to human cruelty" the Pope replied.

Predsjednik Europskog židovskog kongresa (EJC) dr. Moshe Kantor  sastao se danas  s Papom u Vatikanu te kazao da smatra ovu audijenciju kao gestu bratskih osjećaja prema svakom Židovu.  Rekao je i: "Židovi još uvijek nose znak Shoa u svojim srcima i čak i danas se nastavlja prijetnja antisemitizmom u svim njegovim oblicima" dr. Kantor je iznio zahvalnost Papi za njegov posjet Auschwitzu prošle godine.

Papa je odgovorio: Holokaust je memorijal čovječje okrutnosti.

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Dr. Kantor spoke with the Pope about many other issues, especially commending him for his strong moral approach against terrorism and extremism.  “We commend your condemnation of global terrorism, and join you in your fight against what you described as ‘the plague of terrorism’,” Dr. Kantor said. “We need a reaffirmation of the principles that bind the three great monotheistic religions, Judaism, Christianity and Islam, about what unites us and say a strong no to violence and hate, and yes to tolerance and reconciliation.”

“As a representative of the Jewish People I would also like to express my deep sadness and condemnation of the persecution and destruction of ancient Christian communities in the Middle East.” Kantor added.

The Pope and Dr. Kantor also spoke about interfaith work and building bridges between the two communities.