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Novosti News

14.3.2017. 17:38
Over 100 Holocaust remembrance institutions, scholars and educators called on President Donald Trump to maintain a government office dedicated to fighting anti-Semitism following a report that he was considering nixing it. The 120 signatories — among them Holocaust museums, anti-genocide groups, Holocaust studies programs, and Holocaust scholars and educators in the United States and Europe — released a statement Monday calling on Trump to strengthen the State Department’s Office to Monitor and Combat Anti-Semitism, which fights anti-Jewish sentiments abroad. 

 Nakon izvještaja o ukinuću  vladinog ureda upućen je poziv predsjedniku Trumpu , od strane  preko 100 institucija koje djeluju kao memorijali za Holokaust, znanstvenika i edukatora,  da održi vladin ured koji ima zadaću da se bori protiv antisemitizma. Bilo je preko 120 potpisnika među Holokaust muzejima, ant-genocidnih grupa, programa za studij Holokausta i edukatora u USA i Europi.

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It cited vandalism of cemeteries, synagogues, churches and mosques, anti-Semitic vandalism and bomb threats made against Jewish institutions.  Jewish sites, including community centers, schools, museums and Anti-Defamation League offices, have been hit with more than 100 bomb threats so far this year, all of them hoaxes. In the past three weeks, Jewish cemeteries were vandalized in Philadelphia, St. Louis, and Rochester, New York.

Jewish groups and lawmakers have urged the president to keep the office, including the American Jewish Committee and the Simon Wiesenthal Center. Earlier this month, a bipartisan House task force on anti-Semitism called in a letter on the Trump administration to rebuff reports that it was planning to cut the office. ..