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Novosti News

17.10.2017. 23:55

EJC congratulates Sebastian Kurz on victory in Austria's general election, calls for new coalition government to exclude extremist Freedom Party

The European Jewish Congress sends warmest congratulations to Sebastian Kurz, head of the centre-right Austrian People’s party (ÖVP) after the party’s victory on Sunday in the Austrian general election. The EJC however, expresses its profound concern at the showing of the far-right Freedom Party which gained more than 26 percent of the vote according to exit polls.

Europski Židovski kongres je poslao  srdačne  čestitke Sebastianu Kurzu, vođi  OVP Austrijske narodne stranke desnog centra,  na pobjedi na izborima. Također su izrazili duboku zabrinutost  da je desna " Freedom Party" dobila više od 26% glasova. "Mi  urgiramo kod gospodina Kurza  da napravi koaliciju  centralnih stranaka bez partije krajnje desnice"  poručio je  predsjednik EJC dr, Moshe Kantor....