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Novosti News

13.11.2017. 22:14
The European Jewish Congress (EJC) welcomes the decision by the Bulgarian Government to adopt the Working Definition of Antisemitism, as agreed last year at a conference of the Berlin-based International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA).
Bulgaria joins the UK, Germany, Austria and Romania in officially adopting this definition. In addition, Deputy Foreign Minister Georg Georgiev was appointed as National Coordinator on Combating Antisemitism.

 Europski židovski kongres (EJC) je pozdravio odluku Bugarske vlade da prihvati "Radnu definiciju antisemitizma" koju je predložila  IHRA na konferenciji u Berlinu. Bugarska se tako pridružila UK, Njemačkoj, Austriji i Rumunjskoj,  koje su službeno prihvatile tu definiciju. Uz to,  je i Ministar vanjskih poslova Georg Georgijev imenovan nacionalnim koordinatorom za borbu protiv antisemitizma.

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“We hope that all European Union countries and others will eventually adopt the definition so there is a continental standard and anti-Semites will know which lines they dare not cross.”