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Novosti News

24.12.2017. 9:36
The United Nations General Assembly passed a resolution rejecting any recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel in the wake of the pronouncement by President Donald Trump two weeks ago.

Glavna skupština UN je donijela rezoluciju koja odbija bilo kakvo priznavanje Jeruzalema kao glavnog grada Izraela,  nakon što je to proglasio  predsjednik Donald Trump  prije dva tjedna .

 Glasanje na izvanrednoj sjednici  bilo je 128 glasova "za" ,  9 protiv i 35 suzdržanih.. Yemen i Turska su načinili nacrt rezolucije  koja smatra da " svaka odluka i akcija koja želi promijeniti  karakter, status ili demograski sastav Svetog grada Jeruzalema je nelegalnog značenja, nije važeća i treba biti  usklađena sa rezolucijom Vijeća sigurnosti. Poziva se UN da ne uspostavi diplomatsku misiju u Jeruzalemu.

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The resolution also noted that “Jerusalem is a final status issue to be resolved through negotiations in line with relevant United Nations resolutions.” General Assembly resolutions are nonbinding, but are intended to carry moral weight as an expression of the international community.  The Permanent Observer of Palestine to the United Nations, Riyad Mansour, called the U.S. decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital “an aggression towards the Palestinian people” and added that it “affect(s) the status of the United States as a mediator of peace.”..

Following the vote, Netanyahu posted a statement on social media decrying the resolution.

“Israel completely rejects this preposterous resolution. Jerusalem is our capital. Always was. Always will be.  But I do appreciate the fact that a growing number of countries refuse to participate in this ‘theater of the absurd.’