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26.1.2018. 18:51
Izraelci u Europi
Israelis in Europe steer clear of Jewish community activities, study suggests

January 26, 2018 

(JTA) – In a survey among hundreds of Israelis living in Europe, nearly half said they do not participate in any degree in Jewish community life or events. Asked about their identity, 73 percent of Israelis in Europe described themselves as secular and only 38 percent described themselves also as Jewish in the survey, which was published Friday. Many of the respondents said they refrained from taking part in Jewish community events because the events are faith-centered. 

Anketa koju je prošle godine proveo  International Centre for Community Development of the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee. (on line),   među stotinama Izraelaca koji žive u Europi, je pokazala da gotovo polovina njih uopće ne sudjeluje  u životu židovskih zajednica i njihovim događanjima.

 Kada ih se upitalo za njihov identitet, 73% Izraelaca u Europi je kazalo da su sekularni,  a samo je 38%  kazalo da su i Židovi. Mnogi su kazali da razlog što ne učestvuju u  aktivnostima Židovskim zajednicama je zbog toga što su te aktivnosti usmjerene na vjeru (religiju). Oko dvije trećine (64%) je reklo da znaju za  organiziranu i aktivnu Izraelsku zajednicu u njihovom području ali samo 17% participiraju u njihovim aktivnostima... U Britaniji, Njemačkoj i Nizozemskoj vjeruje se da ima preko 100.000 Izraelaca.

dalje čitajte u originalnom članku

A 2016 Pew study conducted in Israel found that 40 percent of Israelis identify as secular. Most secular Jews in the Pew study said they see themselves as Israeli first and Jewish second,

Asked to indicate what could draw them to attend community activities, 68 percent of the Israelis who do not participate in Jewish community life chose as their response: “activities for secular Jews.” Other answers included cultural events (58 percent) and activities in Hebrew (56 percent).

Nearly 80 percent of respondents were married or in a domestic partnership. More than half were women. The average age among respondents was 40 years old.