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Novosti News

22.3.2018. 20:16

Increase in antisemitic incidents in German-speaking Switzerland

Antisemitic incidents in German-speaking areas of Switzerland increased in 2017, according to figures released by the Swiss Federation of Jewish Communities (FSCI/SIG) – the country’s EJC affiliate – and the Foundation Against Racism and Antisemitism(GRA).

U 2017. godini povećani su antisemitski incidenti u dijelu Švicarske gdje se govori njemački. To je predstavila  " Swiss Federation of Jewish Communities (FSCI/SIG)" i  GRA (Foundation Against Racism and Antisemitism). 

U 2017.   zabilježeno je 39 incidenata  (25 u 2016),  a tri od njih su bila fizički  napadi na Židove.

U dijelu Švicarske gdje se govori francuski, bilo je 150 incidenata od kojih  su dva bila fizički napadi.