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23.6.2018. 17:44

Luxembourg installs Holocaust memorial

A monument to Shoah victims in Luxembourg was officially inaugurated on Sunday in the presence of the country’s Grand Duke and Prime Minister. The monument, made by Holocaust survivor Shlomo Selinger, occupies the site of Luxembourg’s first synagogue.

At the same time, a plaque commemorating the 75th anniversary of the departure of the final train deporting the Jews of Luxembourg by the Nazis in June 1943 was installed at the railway station in Luxembourg City.

It is estimated that of the original 3,500 Jews living in Luxembourg before the war, only 36 survived.

Spomenik žrtvama holokausta u Luksemburgu je službeno postavljen u prisustvu  Grand Duke Luksemburga i premijera. Spomenik je na mjestu prve sinagoge u Luksemburgu načinio preživjeli Shlomo Selinger.

U isto se vrijeme postavljala memorijalna ploča na željezničkoj stanici . Ploča komemorira 75-godišnjicu odlaska posljednjeg vlaka kojim su nacisti u junu 1943 deportirali luksemburške Židove.
od oko 3.500 predratnih Židova u Luksemburgu samo  je 36 preživjelo.