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Novosti News

24.8.2018. 23:19
Unidentified individuals scrawled anti-Semitic slogans and symbols on monuments for Holocaust victims in Estonia.

The incident occurred sometime last week at the Kalevi-Liiva village in the Harju County near Tallinn, the capital of the Baltic nation of Estonia, the website News-Front reported Thursday. The monuments, erected at sites of mass killings of Jews during the Holocaust, were also damaged with a blowtorch. One monument was defaced with a swastika. Another read: “Juden,” German for Jews. A third had the words “Sieg Heil,” a Nazi greeting, written on it.

Incident se dogodio prošlog tjedna u selu 
Kalevi-Liiva  blizu Talina, glavnog grada Baltičke države Estonije. Spomenici koji su podignuti na mjestima masovnog ubijanja Židova u vrijeme Holokausta, su oštečeni, na niima su napisane svastike i  pogrdne riječi te nacistički pozdravi.

4.500 Židova,  koji su živjeli u Estoniji prije Holokausta,  je ubijeno u siječnju 1942, kada je Estonija od nacista proglašena prvom državom u Europi koja je  Jew-free”