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Novosti News

27.10.2018. 22:54
Europska zajednica
The European Union condemned rocket fire from Gaza into Israel after a rocket launched from Gaza struck a house in the Israeli city of Be’er Sheva.

In a statement issued by the EU’s External Action Service, the EU said that the “rocket and mortar fire by Palestinian militants from Gaza towards Israel must stop immediately.”

“Indiscriminate attacks against civilians are completely unacceptable. The first priority now is for de-escalation. The cycle of violence and despair has to be broken. Only a political solution can put an end to the violence,” the statement concluded.

Europska unija  je osudila   raketni napad iz Gaze na Izrael nakon što su rakete  pogodile  kuću u izraelskom gradu Be'er Sheva. 

U izjavi,  koju je izdalo "EU External Action Service",  se kaže da rakete i uništavajuća vatra koju šalju palestinski militanti iz Gaze  prema Izraelu mora odmah prestati. 

Napadi na civile se uopće ne mogu prihvatiti i sada je prva zadaća  da prestane eskalacija, i  treba prekinuti ciklus nasilja. Samo političko rješenje može stati na kraj nasilju.