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Novosti News

23.11.2018. 16:59

Vienna, Wednesday, 21st November 2018 

The most comprehensive and detailed proposals and recommendations, including legislative, to combat antisemitism were presented in Vienna today to high-level European officials, including President Alexander van der Bellen and Chancellor Sebastian Kurz, during a conference held by the Austrian Presidency of the European Council.

Na konferenciji ,  koja je organizirana u Beču,  u povodu predsjedanja Austrije na  European Council, donešene su najvažnije i najdetaljnije preporuke i  prijedlozi , uključujući legislativu, o tome kako se boriti protiv antisemitizma. Na konferenciji su bili prisutni  predsjednik Alexander van der Bellen i kancelar Sebastian Kurz,  

  “Catalogue of Policies to Combat Antisemitism”,  (Katalog politika za borbu protiv antisemitizma) , za koji je inicijativu dao i pripremio dr. Moshe Kantor,  predsjednik   Europskog  židovskog kongresa , EJC, predstavlja zajednički  napor eksperata i znanstvenika  Univerziteta u Beču, Tel-Avivu i New Yorku da razviju konkretne politike koje trebaju poduzeti vlade, javne i privatne institucije, vjerske zajednice,  i svi koji su uključeni u borbu sa  širenjem mržnje na internetu i  medijima.
Čitajte originalne preporuke iz "Kataloga"

• Adoption and implementation of the IHRA Working Definition of Antisemitism by all countries, institutions and businesses;
• Governments and intergovernmental organizations should condemn the blatant state-sanctioned antisemitism that exist in a number of countries, such as Iran;
• All countries should appoint an envoy for combatting antisemitism;
• Every country should commit to a percentage of its GDP, annually, to fund the fight against antisemitism;
• Creating new legal frameworks to combat antisemitism effectively and strengthening existing ones;
• People who express or hold antisemitic views should not be allowed to be members of political parties or occupy a position of power;
• Companies should be advise not to do business with countries or organizations that support antisemitism in any way;
• Governments should commit financial and operational resources to ensure the security of Jewish communities;
• Internet companies should be liable for antisemitic content on their platforms.