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Novosti News

29.1.2019. 16:42
istraživanje lijeka za rak

Israeli scientists find potential complete cure for cancer

A small team of Israeli scientists think they might have found the first complete cure for cancer. “We believe we will offer in a year’s time a complete cure for cancer,” said Dan Aridor, of a new treatment being developed by his company, Accelerated Evolution Biotechnologies Ltd. (AEBi)... 

Mali tim izraelskih znanstvenika  misli da je pronašao prvi potpuni lijek za rak. 

"Vjerujemo da će u ovoj godini  ponuditi kompletnu "kuru" za liječenje raka" rekao je Dan Aridor o novom tretmanju koji je razvijen u njegovoj  kompaniji " Accelerated Evolution Biotechnologies Ltd. (AEBi) "  

Naše liječenje raka će trajati nekoliko tjedana i neće imati ili će biti minimalne štetne nuspojave , a i koštati će mnogo manje od ostalih tretmana koji su na tržištu. Naše rješenje je i generično i osobno.    D r. Ilan  Morad iz AEBi-a je nazvao trateman " MuTaTo - multi -target -toksin,   koji je u osnovi antibiotik za rak - tehnologija najvišeg stupnja.

Dalje čitajte u originalnom članku

The potentially game-changing anti-cancer drug is based on SoAP technology, which belongs to the phage display group of technologies. It involves the introduction of DNA coding for a protein, such as an antibody, into a bacteriophage a virus that infects bacteria . That protein is then displayed on the surface of the phage. Researchers can use these protein-displaying phages to screen for interactions with other proteins, DNA sequences and small molecules... 

In 2018, a team of scientists won the Nobel Prize for their work on phage display in the directed evolution of new proteins – in particular, for the production of antibody therapeutics.

AEBi is doing something similar but with peptides, compounds of two or more amino acids linked in a chain. According to Morad, peptides have several advantages over antibodies, including that they are smaller, cheaper, and easier to produce and regulate....