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19.3.2019. 20:21

Jewish blood? Lieberman says Chief Rabbi must resign over DNA controversy

Yisrael Beiteinu leader Avigdor Lieberman raged against what he called “humiliating.” investigations.

March 12, 2019     

Yisrael Beytenu leader Avigdor Lieberman called on Chief Rabbis David Lau and Yitzhak Yosef to resign after Israeli media exposed the practice conducted by the Rabbinical Court to use DNA examinations to decide if a person is of Jewish origin. The story was first revealed two weeks ago when Ynet was able to locate 20 Israeli couples in which one of the partners was asked to undergo such an examination as a condition for the couple to be wed in a Jewish ceremony.

Avigdor Lieberman, lider " Yisrael Beytenu" je pozvao glavne rabine Izraela  Davida Lau i Yitzhaka Yosefa   da podnesu ostavku nakon što su izraelski mediji otkrili praksu  koju je provodio Rabinski sud  da istraživanjem DNA odluči da li je netko židovskog porijekla. Priča se prvi puta otkrila kada je "Ynet" pronašao 20 izraelskih parova u kojima je jedan od partnera tražio da bude podvrgnut takvom ispitivanju kao uvjetu da se  vjenča po židovskom obredu. 

Rabinski sud ima monopol na židovska vjenčanja u državi Izrael,  u kojoj se ne priznaju civilna vjenčanja.
Izraelci  se civilno  žene izvan Izraela i imaju priznanje od izraelskog  pravnog sistema,  ali iako su "tehnički" vjenčani,  njihova se  djeca ne smatraju "legitimnima"  po tradicionalnom židovskom zakonu i imaju kasnije poteškoća.

Dalje čitajte u originalnom članku

Lau said the DNA examination is used only in “some cases” and is not mandatory, yet Ynet was able to obtain evidence that at least 20 families were asked to do so last year and the process is “humiliating.”

The exam seeks to establish the genetic linage between the applicant and his or her mother as Jewish identity is usually determined by the mother.

Lau pointed out that the DNA evidence itself does not determine Jewishness but is used in the legal process of deciding if the applicant has a claim to orthodox Jewish identity....

The issue of Jewish genetics is highly sensitive with some Rabbis leaning towards a view that “our nation is a nation only in its Torah,” meaning that anyone who wishes to become Jewish may do so and claim he or she are Jews – and others who view a powerful, mystic, relationship between origin and spirituality....