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Novosti News

13.7.2019. 18:16
News / July 2019

JPR study of young Jewish Europeans launched by the European Commission in Brussels

JPR was in Brussels last week to launch its latest report, Young Jewish Europeans: perceptions and experiences of antisemitism, a study commissioned by the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA). The report, authored by JPR and published in partnership with the European Commission and FRA, provides a unique and unprecedented picture of 16-34 year-old Jews across Europe, exploring the nature of their Jewishness, their sense of belonging and the effects of contemporary antisemitism on their lives. 

P rošlog tjedna je u Brusselsu predan posljednji izvještaj JPR (Institute for Jewish Policy Research): Mladi Europski Židovi- percepcija i iskustvo antisemitizma.Ta je studija načinjena pod pokroviteljstvom Europske komisije i FRA ( European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights).  a istraživala je mlade Židove stare   16-34 godine koji žive širom Europe o njihovom osjećaju Židovstva i pripadnosti te utjecaju antisemitizma na njihov život. 

Većina ispitanika smatra da antisemitizam  predstavlja rastući problem u zemljama u kojima žive , pri čemu su označili ulogu  socijalnih medija koji ih često optužuju za akcije Izraelske vlade. Uznemiravajući rezultat je da su mladi Židovi signifikantno češće izloženi napadima nego starije osobe (na radu i u školama i koleđima). Čak je 56% ispitanika imalo takvo iskustvo u vrijeme školovanja.

Novo osnovani  odjel JPR-a" European Jewish Demography Unit "objavio je sVoj prvi rad: 
"Why European Jewish demography?  "napisan od Dr Daniel Staetsky i   Professor Sergio DellaPergola, koji  pokazuje koliko su važna  demografska istraživanja  za  život zajednice i njihova planiranja škola, potreba starih osoba pa i  političku participaciju... 

dalje čitajte i originalnom članku:

JPR Executive Director, Dr Jonathan Boyd, said: "If we care about providing Jewish educational opportunities for our children or Jewish care facilities for our elderly; if we really want to get serious about tackling antisemitism or strengthening our bonds with others; if we truly want to understand the scale and nature of Jewish populations and their prospects for the future, we have to make a serious commitment to gathering and analysing the data that are fundamental to all of these questions. JPR's European Jewish Demography Unit provides a new mechanism within JPR to achieve this, and demonstrates our strong and enduring commitment to support Jews across Europe."...