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17.7.2019. 0:03
EJC Newsletter 15-16 July 2019
Inside Europe: Israeli anger at Polish Holocaust speech bill 

Izraelska vlada je ljuto reagirala na zakon koji je u Poljskoj  donijet od strane oba doma Parlamenta. Prema tom zakonu kažnjava se svatko tko osuđuje Zemlju za kriminal koji su učinili Nijemci.   Izrael brine što takva odluka može dovesti do  promjene povijesne istine o tome da su i Poljaci činili kriminalna djela prema Židovima.

The Israeli government has reacted angrily to a bill passed by both houses of parliament in Poland which aims to punish anyone who accuses the country of complicity in the crimes of Nazi Germany. Israel is concerned it might lead to a distortion of historical truth, in particular regarding the role some Poles played in crimes committed against Jews. Julian Berner reports from Warsaw.

Inside Europe: UK Jews push for German citizenship

A group of descendants of Jewish refugees who fled the Nazi regime during the Holocaust are challenging the German government's rejection of their applications to restore their German citizenship. Keith Walker speaks with Nick Courtman, a PhD researcher in the German department at the University of Cambridge, who has been campaigning against the current situation. 

 Grupa potomaka židovskih izbjeglica,  koji su  bježali od nacističkog režima u vrijeme Holokausta,   se žale na odbijanje njemačke vlade  da im obnovi njemačko  državljanstvo.

Op-ed by Moshe Kantor: ‘We must pull back from this nuclear precipice’


The reaction to the airing of the HBO series “Chernobyl,” dramatizing the most disastrous nuclear power plant accident in history, and to the news of President Trump’s aborted strike on Iran, amply shows the potential for horrific widescale nuclear catastrophe and the public’s desire to know the true extent of the risk........


There is an urgent need to revive nuclear diplomacy to improve understanding, trust and transparency between the players. Without a diplomatic “safety net,” there is potential for tensions to escalate, risking a renewed nuclear arms race and increasing the likelihood of a nuclear catastrophe that could claim hundreds of millions of lives.

Postoji hitna potreba da se oživi nuklearna diplomacija da popravi razumijevanje, povjerenje i transparentnost između "igrača". Bez diplomatske "sigurnosne mreže" postoji potencijalna opasnost eskalacije,  rizika za obnovu nuklearnog oružja i povećava se mogućnost za  eventualnu nuklearnu katastrofu koja može utjecati na milijune ljudi.