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Novosti News

12.8.2019. 17:35

A vaccine for skin cancer? Tel Aviv researchers say they have developed one

By August 7, 2019    

Tel Aviv University (TAU) researchers say they have developed a novel nano-vaccine for melanoma, the most aggressive type of skin cancer.

Istraživači iz Univerziteta u Tel Avivu (TAU) su izjavili da su razvili novu "nano-vakcinu" za melanom, najagresivniji kožni tumor.  Do sada je test napravljen i pokazao se efektan kod sprečavanja razvoja melanoma kod miševa.

Rat protiv karcinoma , osobito protiv melanoma je napredovao tokom godina kroz razne modalitete kao što je kirurgija,kemoterapija, radijacijska terapija i imunoterapija, kazala je Ronit  Satchi-Fainaro, voditeljica Laboratorija za istraživanje raka i Nanomedicinu na Univerzitetu u Tel Avivu. Ali upotreba vakcine koja je inače efektivna kod virusnih bolesti, nije se do sada pokazala uspješnom kod karcinoma. Mi smo pokazali da je moguće napraviti efektivnu nano-vakcinu protiv melanoma  i senzibilizirati  imunološki sistem za imunoterapiju.

Dalje čitajte u originalnom članku

Specifically, the researchers harnessed tiny particles, about 170 nanometers in size, made of a biodegradable polymer. Within each particle, they “ packed” two peptides – short chains of amino acids t hat are expressed in melanoma cells. They then injected the nano-particles (or “nano-vaccines”) into a mouse model bearing melanoma. The nano-particles stimulated the immune system of the mice, and the immune cells learned to identify and attack cells containing the melanoma cells.  “This meant that, from now on, the immune system of the immunized mice will attack melanoma cells if and when they appear in the body,” Satchi-Fainaro said. 

Breakthrough pancreatic cancer treatment phase III trial opens in Israel

Hope is that successful trials will allow Rafael Pharmaceuticals will receive expedited FDA approval by late 2020. 

Rafael Pharmaceuticals launched a phase-3 clinical trial on Thursday for pancreatic cancer at eight sites throughout Israel. The primary investigator is Dr. Talia Golan, head of Sheba Medical Center’s Pancreatic Cancer Center.

Starving cancer cells to death – a decades-old concept that has been repeatedly dismissed – is starting to turn a corner and make strides in cancer treatment. The concept of targeting cancer metabolism – called cell metabolic therapy – is that tumors could be treated by disrupting their source of energy, hindering cancer cells from growing and spreading.