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Novosti News

29.11.2010. 23:04
Završena je konferencija Svjetske federacije Holokaust preživjelih

U Čikagu je završena internacionalna konferencija organizacije Holokaust preživjelih, na kojoj je sudjelovalo preko 400 sudionika iz cijelog svijeta-ne samo oni koji su  preživjeli već i njihove obitelji- supružnici i djeca. To je jedan od načina da se istina o Holokaustu i židovska tradicija prenesu i na nove generacije.

Izašle su specijalne "novosti" o konferenciji koje prilažemo.

World Federation News Update!
November, 2010

From the WFJCSH Executive Committee: Stefanie Seltzer—President; Steve Adler—Executive Vice President; Chana Arnon, Anita Ekstein, Jacques Fein, Kurt Goldberger, Max Arpels Lezer, René Lichtman, Daisy Miller, Henri Obstfeld, Charley Silow, Melita Svob, Olga Weiss—Vice Presidents; Marianne Kronenberg—Secretary; Isaac Kot—Treasurer

The 22nd International Conference: Lives and Legacies

Our 22nd International Conference of Child Survivors, Second and Third Generations, Spouses and Families, took place in the Chicago suburb of Skokie, November 5 – 8, 2010. It was another triumph in the history of our conferences that actually encompasses more than 22 years (the first few conferences were not even recorded) ...

The event, which attracted close to 400 attendees from many parts of the world, attested to the strength of the bond among Holocaust survivors, child survivors, and descendants, our families and friends.

... Hosting the gathering was the Hidden Children/Child Survivors of Greater Chicago group together with a large number of Chicago Second Generation members and the Illinois Holocaust Museum and Education Center in Skokie. Elaine Fox headed up the Planning Committee....

We sincerely thank all who took part in managing and coordinating the Conference, all the organizations and individuals who contributed with financial and in-kind sponsorship....

President’s Message

Dear Brothers and Sisters, Friends of Every Generation,

The Chicago conference was truly a family reunion that left us with very positive feelings and with hope for the future of our organization. We welcomed moreand more of our Second and Third Generation members who have joined us to work toward our common goal of remembrance.

Again, I want to thank everyone who participated in making this conference such a successful event...

Throughout the years we have benefited from the labors of love of a great many individuals. May we continue in that spirit!

With best wishes to all,
