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12.9.2014. 9:20
Obama i Izrael

prenosimo iz JTA Daily

What Obama’s speech has to do with Israel and the Palestinians

By Ami EdenSeptember 11, 2014 

President Obama delivers a prime time address about ISIS from the Cross Hall of the White House, Sept. 10, 2014, Washington, DC. (Saul Loeb-Pool/Getty Images)

President Obama did not mention Israel or the Palestinians during his national address Wednesday night. But his pledge to lead a U.S.-coordinated effort to destroy ISIS could end up doing more to get Israeli-Palestinian negotiations back on track than anything that Secretary of State Kerry and his team managed to produce with their shuttle diplomacy.

Predsjednik Obama nije spomenuo Izrael i Palestince u svom obraćanju  naciji, u srijedu navečer. Ali njegov zahtjev da USA vode koordinirane napore da unište ISIS mogu učiniti više za Izraelsko-Palestinske pregovore nego što je ranije  tim sekretara Kerry- napravio svojom diplomacijom...

Reaching a final deal is hard enough when the region is calm. But it becomes significantly more difficult, if not impossible, when Islamic extremism is on the march and U.S. influence is in retreat. Good luck convincing Israeli leaders that it is safe to abandon any part of the Golan Heights or the Jordan Valley as ISIS destabilizes the region and moves closer to its borders, especially with a president perceived as being more interested in golf and Asia than confronting the gathering storms in the Middle East.

History suggests that the most effective thing America can do to encourage Israeli risk-taking is to show that we’re serious about reducing regional threats to the Jewish state.....



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