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Novosti News

22.12.2017. 22:45

Honoring Holocaust Survivors in Jerusalem, Israel at the Kotel…

More than 300 Holocaust survivors were honored at the Kotel for the first time with an incredible menorah lighting at the Western Wall on the third night of Chanukah. Greg Schneider, Claims Conference Executive Vice President, addressed survivors with Gila Gamliel, the Israeli Minister for Social Equality. Rabbi Rabinowitz recited prayers and lit the candles, kicking off the first-ever International Holocaust Survivors Night. 

Više od 300 osoba koje su preživjele holokaust je počašćeno, prvi puta, paljenjem hanukije kod Zapadnog Zida,  na treću noć Hanuke. Preživjelima su se obratili  Greg Schneider , izvršni potpredsjednik Claimsa i Gila Gamliel, ministar socijalne  jednakosti , a rabin Rabinowitz je recitirao molitvu i upalio svijeću u prvoj internacionalnoj noći za preživjele.

dalje ćitajte u originalnom članku:

“It is a great honor for the Claims Conference to be recognized for its work and to be celebrated on this night. But the Claims Conference is about the survivors, and has always been about helping survivors live in dignity, especially now, as they age. While we are proud to accept this honor, nothing is more important than passing it along to survivors who endured so much. We hope this light will serve as a light for future generations as they celebrate Chanukah and remember survivors.” 

- Abe Biderman, Vice President Claims Conference