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25.2.2015. 18:05
Rabini vježbaju samoodbranu

PRAGUE (AP) — Rabbis from European countries gathered in Prague Tuesday for training in self-defense and first aid in response to a wave of attacks against Jews and a rise of anti-Semitism on the continent.

In a stunning beginning of a training session, knives were distributed to dozens of rabbis, young and old, before receiving instructions and practicing what to do to survive stabbing and how to treat injuries. Some occasionally burst out with a laugh but overall the rabbis took it seriously as it was prompted by fears after the deadly terror attack against a kosher grocery in Paris in January and the murder of a Jewish security guard outside a synagogue in Copenhagen earlier this month.

Prilikom  početka treninga, podijeljeni su noževi rabinima, mladima i starima, prije nego što su dobili instrukcije i vježbali što sa učine da bi preživjeli napad i kako da tretiraju ozljede. Neki  se od njih katkada nasmiju, ali većina su ozbiljni jer postoji strah nakon terorističkih smrtnih napada u košer dućanu u Parizu i ubojstva židovskog stražara pred sinagogom u Kopenhagenu. 

Kada se vidi nivo antisemitizma u Europi i razina mržnje, kada se vidi odsustvo borbe europskih vlada  protiv antisemitizma i terora, mi nažalost nismo iznenađeni da nas napadaju - rekao je rabin Menachem Margolin. Ovaj trening je dio godišnjeg okupljanja rabina koji organizira  Rabbinical Centre of Europe  i  European Jewish Association.