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Novosti News

6.8.2015. 8:35

Britain sees 53% rise in anti-Semitic incidents
U Britaniji je  porastao anti-semitizam 53%  

(JTA) — The number of anti-Semitic incidents recorded in Britain this year has risen 53 percent over the same period last year, according to British Jewry’s main watchdog on anti-Semitism.
The Community Security Trust, or CST, reported Thursday that it had recorded 473 cases in the first six months of 2015, compared to 309 incidents recorded in the corresponding period last year.
The increase is likely the result of a growing inclination by victims to report the incidents and does not necessarily reflect an increase in their prevalence, CST wrote in a statement about the report.

Broj antismeitskih incidenata koji su zailježeni ove godine u Britaniji je veći za 53% nego prošle godine, prema britanskoj najvećoj organizaciji ("watchdog") za praćenje antisemitizma. 

" Community Security Trust, or CST," je zabilježio 473 slučaja u prvih 6 mjeseci 2015.  (309 u 2014). Povećanje je vjerojatno zbog  većeg prijavljivanja žrtava, a nije nužno rezultat povećanja  incidenata. Povećanje prijava je vjerojatno zbog zabrinutosti britanskih Židova zbog terorizma nakon napada na Židovsku zajednicu u Parizu,  i u Kopenhagenu.