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Novosti News

24.11.2015. 19:32

Iz The Jerusalem Post

B ERLIN – Josef Schuster, the president of the Central Council of Jews in Germany, expressed fear about increased anti-Semitism due to the attitudes of Muslim migrants entering the country.

DATE IMPORTED: September 06, 2015 Refugees and migrants sleep on the railway tracks close to the borders of Greece with Macedonia, near the village of Idomeni, September 6, 2015. . (photo credit:REUTERS)

Josef Schuster,predsjednik Saveta Židova u Njemačkoj,  izražava svoj strah od  antisemitizma zbog ponašanja muslimanskih migranata koji  ulaze  u  zemlju.. U Central Ciuncil of German Jews ima 100.500 članova a u Njemačkoj ima više od 4 milijuna Muslimana, većina je turskog porijekla. Njemačka očekuje milijun izbjeglica u 2015. godini. Večina je iz zemalja u kojoj su Muslimani u većini- Siriji i Afganistanu, nešto iz Palestine..

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“Many Syrians and Arab migrants grow up in an environment in which hostility to Jews and Israel is common practice,” he told Hesse radio on Wednesday. Schuster called on Muslim organizations and communities to help integrate immigrants into German society. ..