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Novosti News

10.12.2015. 17:34
djeca u Izraelu
According to Central Bureau of Statistics data, in 2014 there were 776,500 children living below the poverty line. 

Prema Centralnom birou za statistiku u Izraelu , u 2014 je bilo 776.500 djece koja žive ispod "granice siromaštva".

More than 1.7 million people living in Israel, or 22 percent of the population, live in poverty, the National Insurance Institute said in its annual report, released on Wednesday. The report, based on data gathered by the Central Bureau of Statistics, found that in 2014 some 1,709,300 people, including 444,900 families and 776,500 children, lived below the poverty line, representing an increase over the year before.

The percentage of families living in poverty rose from 18.6% in 2013 to 18.8% in 2014, while poverty among children increased from 30.8% in 2013 to 31% in 2014. Poverty among the elderly increased from 22.1% in 2013 to 22.3% in 2014.

Više od 1.700 osoba koje žive u Izraelu ili 22% populacije živi u siromaštvu. Podatke koje je sakupio Centralni biro za statisku koji je našao,  u 2014 da  1,709.300 osoba , uključujući 444.000 obitelji i 776.500 djece živi ispod granice siromaštva što je povećanje u odnosu na prošlu godinu. Postotak obitelji usiromaštvu se povećao na 18,8%, siromaštvo djece se povećalo na 31% , a među starijim osobama na 22,3%.

Dalje čitajte u originalnom članku

The poverty line is reached when an individual earns a mo nthly income of less than NIS 3,077 or when couples earn less than NIS 4,923 a month. These people are considered to be living below the poverty line; whereas a family of five must earn more than NIS 9,230 to be considered above the poverty line.  The standard of living in terms of disposable median income per capita rose in real terms by 2.4% in 2014, as did the poverty line.

The data also showed that the poor became even poorer in 2014. The depth of poverty index, or the gap between family income and the poverty line, rose by 6% to reach 34.6%. ..

The report’s author, Dr.Daniel Gottlieb, deputy director- general :
“There was a continued rise in housing prices and rent and in the severity and depth of poverty, partly due to the reduction in child allowances, which had an influence for the first time in 2014, an entire year’s income for families,” Gottlieb wrote in the report.

The data also relayed a startling income gap among different population groups in Israel.The poverty rate among ultra-Orthodox families stood at 54.3%, which means that sector accounts for 17.5% of poor families in Israel. In the Arab population, the poverty rate stood at 52.6% in 2014, an increase from 51.7% in 2013. But the depth of poverty among Arab citizens rose by 8% and the severity of poverty increased by 7%.....