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31.3.2019. 17:38

Chancellor Kurz: Austria took too long to acknowledge responsibility for Holocaust

Over 65,000 Austrian Jews were murdered during the Holocaust, out of a pre-war population of some 185,000, according to the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum.

March 31, 2019 17:36     

Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz admitted last week that it had taken too long for Austria to acknowledge its responsibility for the atrocities that were committed during the Holocaust. Speaking at the site of the Maly Trostinets concentration camp outside of Belarus on Thursday, at the inauguration of a memorial for some 65,000 Jews who were murdered during the Holocaust, including 10,000 from Austria, Kurz said: “It was the easy thing to do after the war, to conceal our responsibility. But today, in Austria, we admit our responsibility. Until today our efforts to address the crimes of the Nazi era continue,” adding that the new monument was “a significant and visible testimony” as part of that effort. 

Austrijski kancelar Sebastian Kurz je prošlog tjedna kazao da je Austriji trebalo predugo vremena  da bi priznala svoju odgovornost za atrocit koji je počinjen u vrijeme Holokausta. On je govorio u koncentracijskom logoru Maly Trostinets u Bjelorusiji prilikom inauguracije Memorijala za 65.000 Židova koji su ovdje ubijeni u vrijeme Holokausta, 10.000 je bilo iz Austrije.   Kurz je rekao:" lako bi bilo nakon rata skinuti svoju odgovornost,  ali je  Austrija preuzima i od danas mi priznajemo  zločine u Nacističkoj eri i ovaj spomenik je značajni vidljivi dokaz tih napora.

Chancellor Sebastian Kurz at the memorial "The Massif of Names" in Belarus . (photo credit: ARNO MELICHAREK)

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“We will not forget the name of this place and the names of the victims,” Kurz concluded. “We see it as a memorial and as a place of remembrance. And we see it as a warning, to reiterate our strong commitment to ‘never again’.”  

Following the inauguration, Cantor Shmuel Barzilai of the Vienna Jewish community sang the Kaddish mourners prayer, and read out the names of the Austrian victims who would have had their birthday on that day....

Before the inauguration of the memorial, Kurz visited the nearby forest of Blagovshchina, where most of the Austrian victims were murdered and where some 550 yellow memorial plaques for individual victims have been hung on the trees by the IM-MER association which also worked towards establishing the monument. ...