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29.4.2019. 23:47
Sjećanje na Holokaust

White House proclaims Holocaust Remembrance Week

Holocaust Remembrance Day will be commemorated in Israel and the Jewish world over Wednesday night and Thursday.

April 29, 2019 18:54     

T he White House has proclaimed April 28 to May 5 Holocaust Remembrance Week, US President Donald Trump announced last weekend.

“On Yom HaShoah, Holocaust Remembrance Day, and during this week of solemn remembrance, we honor the six million Jewish men, women, and children who were brutally murdered by the Nazi regime,” Trump said in a declaration.
 “We also remember the Roma and Sinti, persons with disabilities, Poles and Slavic ethnic groups, Soviet prisoners of war, Jehovah’s Witnesses, and persons who were targeted based on their sexual orientation, all of whom were targeted and killed by the Nazis and their collaborators.”

Bijela kuća je proglasila "Tjedan sjećanja na Holokaust" ( od 28 travnja do 5 svibnja), prema  najavi predsjednika Trumpa. 

On je rekao: Na Yom Hashoa i cijeli "Tjedan sjećanja" mi dajemo počast za 6 milijuna  židovskih muškarca,žena i djece koji su brutalno ubijeni od nacističkoga režima. Sjećamo se i Roma i Sinta, invalida,  Poljaka i slavenskih etničkih grupa, sovjetskih ratnih zarobljenika, Jehovinih svjedoka, osoba koje su bile osuđene zbog seksualne orijentacije i svih koji su bili ubijeni od nacista i njihovih suradnika...Milijuni Židova su bili stjerani u geta i robovske radne logore u kojima su gladovanje, bolesti i nezamisliva brutalnost
  uzimali danak. Mnogi od onih koji su to preživjeli su zatim poslani u koncentracijske logore smrti u kojima su milijuni Židova ubijeni u plinskim komorama i drugim metodama za dnevne ljudske masakre... 

Trump je dodao da se odaje počast i onima koji su preživjeli Holokaust i  njihovim spasiocima koji su nadišli strašnu nepravdu i pružili pomoć. 

Dalje čitajte u originalnom članku

.... On Yom HaShoah, and during this week of remembrance, Trump said that together with the United States, they join Simon Wiesenthal “in refuting his captor and strongly reaffirm our everlasting commitment to honor the victims and survivors of theHolocaust,who, he said, “through their courageous testimony, fulfill the righteous duty never to forget. We vow never to remain silent or indifferent in the face of evil.”...

In his declaration, Trump appealed to the American people to observe the Days of Remembrance of Victims of the Holocaust from April 28 through May 5, as well as “the solemn anniversary of the liberation of Nazi death camps, with appropriate study, prayers and commemoration, and to honor the memory of the victims of the Holocaust and Nazi persecution by remembering the lessons of this atrocity so that it is never repeated.”