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25.2.2020. 11:22
Primili smo slijedeću vijest iz Svjetskog Židovskog kongresa:

World Jewish Congress

Distortion and denial of the Holocaust is a dangerous trend and is being used as a tool to advance political agendas. And it’s in places we don’t always expect it. 

"Even a documentary film being shown at the New York Sephardic Jewish Film Festival this week by director Jakov Sedlar is full of Holocaust distortion. The film has no place at a Jewish film festival."

Podrobnije informacije govore o Sedlarovom  filmu  "The Hug of destiny" koji prikazuje  Holocaust  sa krajnje desnog  gledišta ,  uz mnoštvo neistina,   posebno  o Kosovu, Albaniji   i ublažavanja uloge NDH....