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4.4.2020. 10:59
IZ Claims konferencije
Primili smo slijedeće pismo od predsjednika  Claims konferencije Juliuas Bermana:



Dear Melita, 

We wanted to take this moment to check in with you 
and provide an update on the measures being taken 
during this unprecedented time.  The Claims Conference community –  lay leaders and staff,  as well as our extended family of more than
 300 global agencies, comprised of social workers, 
care managers, home care workers,  and so many other 
stakeholders –  is working through this challenging time 
to ensure consistency of service and the  quality of care
 our survivors have come  to expect from us...

Mi želimo da u ovom času provjerimo ,zajedno s Vama,  mjere koje su poduzete u ovo  teško vrijeme. Zajednica Claims konferencije - njihovih vođa i osoblja i više od 300 "agencija" sa socijalnim radnicima,i ostalim  osobama koje se brinu  da , u ovo vrijeme puno izazova,  osiguraju servise i kvalitetnu  brigu za naše preživjele holokausta  koji to očekuju od nas...

Prošli tjedan je održan " sastanak preko WEB- a(Webinar? ) članova Odbora Claims konferencije  da izmjene informacije  i da saznaju novosti iz Izraela, Sjeverne Amerike , Zemalja nekadašnjeg Sovjetskog Saveza i Italije

During the webinar we heard from Elena Gemelli, Social Worker andRamesh Khordian, Case Manager at the Jewish Community of Milan. Here are some summary points from their updates:

• Because Milan is completely locked down, homecare has become a real challenge. To combat this hurdle, the community is making daily calls to survivors and family members. Calls are being made more frequently in an effort to assess needs as they arise.

• The community has created an emergency call center which has been staffed with doctors and psychologists to assist survivors who may being feeling stressed or need advice over the phone.
• The community has activated new volunteers to deliver food to survivors who are now home bound. Food packages are being left at the door to minimize exposure to survivors.

During the webinar we heard from Limor Livnat, Chairperson at the Foundation for the Benefit of Holocaust Victims in Israel. Here are some summary points from her update: 

• All employees that can work from home are doing so. Essential functions and home care continue where it is possible. The agency is providing 9 additional weekly home care hours to 41,000 survivors amonth ...

• Social worker site visits are now being conducted through telephone calls..As of the webinar on Monday, the agency had made about 1,000 calls in less than a week and plan to continue in this vein.
• The agency has been monitoring call center operations, finding that the calls are substantially longer than usual as survivors are calling for information on the COVID-19, assistance in their homes and to make other requests...
• There are approximately 1,000 additional volunteers who can be activated if they are needed for tasks like food delivery.

Former Soviet Union
During the webinar we heard from Michal Frank, the Regional Director at the Joint Distribution Committee (JDC) in the former Soviet Union. Here are some summary points from her update: 

JDC is regularly tracking the changes across all 11 countries caring for the nearly 40,000 survivors in their jurisdiction for different regulations, responses and local attitudes toward the virus and different stages of limitations.

• The organization is taking comprehensive measures for the safety of staff, volunteers and the survivors being cared for across the region.
• All employees who can work from home are doing so, and they are prioritizing survivors based on needs. Public transportation is being limited in several countries... 
Face-to-face interactions are being supplemented with telephone calls. Most clients do not know how to use or even have broadband internet. Consequently, the JDC is calling survivors and has mobilized volunteers, training them to make these calls so that contact can be made more frequently with survivors during thiscritical time

North America
During the webinar we heard from Stuart Kaplan, CEO at Selfhelp Community Services of New York. Here are some summary points from his update: 

Selfhelp activated their crisis plan three weeks ago, which guided the agency through a triage of services. Homecare has been prioritized according to the most urgent needs.

• Caseworkers have stopped in-person site visits and are now making calls to survivors instead to minimize survivor exposure ..
Selfhelp has increased salaries for some employees, an unprecedented action that will ensure that survivors will receive the services they require during these dynamic times.

STAYING CONNECTED. We are in regular contact with our agency partners and have asked that they keep us up to date with any significant changes or obstacles resulting from the current events. Home care, of course, will continue to pose a major concern, but is now being addressed through a series of solutions as noted above... 

VIRTUAL OFFICE. Globally, almost all Claims Conference staff is now working remotely. The Claims Conference has developed the technological and operational infrastructure for employees to work remotely, when circumstances – as they do now – require. normal.

Compensation activities across the New York, Tel Aviv and Frankfurt offices continues, and all compensation payments for the over 50,000 survivors who receive direct payments from the Claims Conference can be expected as usual....

With wishes that you and yours are in good health, with blessings of Refuah Sh'lemah for any who are sick. We will continue to keep you updated as circumstances warrant.

Julius Berman