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4.5.2020. 10:19
Tko je pisao Bibliju
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Rabbi Prof. Joshua Berman tackles conflict between biblical criticism and traditional beliefs about the Bible’s authorship



Outside of faith-based universities, academic Bible courses generally teach that the “Five Books of Moses” (the Torah), were not written by Moses. They teach the documentary hypothesis, according to which, many centuries after Moses, an editor, referred to as R (for “Redactor”), cobbled the text of the Torah together from four (or perhaps more) documents. Yet to this day, no one has found literary evidence for the existence of the “sources” that the redactor supposedly drew on. The documentary hypothesis remains a hypothesis.

Osim sveučilišta baziranih na  religiji, uglavnom se akademski uči da  5 knjiga Mojsijevih (Tora) nije napisao Mojsije. Postoji dokumentirana hipoteza prema kojoj je stoljećima nakon Mojsija, jedan " redaktor"   u Toru sakupio tekstove iz 4 ( ili možda više) dokumenata. Za to se do danas nije našlo potvrde i to ostaje samo hipoteza. Tradicionalni tekstovi nas uče drugačije. U 12. stoljkeću je Maimonides naoisao: Vjerujemo da je cijela Tora koju nam je dao Mojsije došla od Boga..

Sada, stoljećima kasnije,  rabin  Joshua Berman (Bar-Ilan Univerzitet) je u svojoj knjizi "Ani Maamim: Biblical Criticism, Historical Truth, and the Thirteen Principles of Faith" .obnovio ideju o sukobu između biblijskog kriticizma i tardicionalnog vjerovanja o tome tko je autor Biblije, što nije od interesa samo za znanstvenike nego  i za mnoge Židove i kršćane.... 

Only God, Berman concludes, could or would have initiated the social revolution that lies at the heart of the Hebrew Bible.
