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28.10.2020. 11:43

Excavations at historic

Cordoba synagogue

near completion

After 11 years, archaeological excavations at a site directly adjacent to the historic medieval synagogue in Cordoba, Spain should be completed next month, allowing plans to go forward toward creating there a long-planned museum and interpretation center anchored by the synagogue.Cristina Casanueva Jiménez, director of the Andalusian Regional Council’s department for Cultural and Historical Heritage announced the allocation of approximately €53.000 for a final stage of excavations following a visit to the site earlier this month.

Nakon 11 godina  biti će završena arheološka iskopavanja na mjestu gdje je bila povijesna srednje-vjekovna sinagoga u Cordobi u Španjolskoj. To će omogućiti da se počne stvarati već dugo planirani muzej i centar vezan uz sinagogu.  Cristina Casanueva
Jiménez  , direktorica odjela za kulturu i povijesno nasljeđe u Andaluzijskoj vladi je prilikom posjete  mjestu iskopavanja , u pratnji direktora iskopavanja  arheologa  Maudilio Morena,   najavila a potporu od oko 53.000 Eura. 

Dalje čitajte u originalnom članku

Excavations at the 220-square-meter site began in 2009, the year after it was acquired by the Andalusian region for around €460.000.Discoveries include remnants of a Roman wall ; a mikveh and the remains of a small medieval “Jewish house” that was demolished in the 20th century.

Built in 1314-1315 and used until the expulsion of the Jews from Iberia in 1492, the synagogue is located in the heart of what was the Jewish quarter of Cordoba..... 

The Synagogue was listed as a National Monument by the Spanish government in 1885 and is part of the Historical Center of Cordoba, which was declared a UNESCO heritage site in 1994.

Since 1985, the synagogue has undergone conservation and restoration work aimed at the consolidation of the building, the recovery of the murals and plasterwork, anti-xylophage treatments, the adaptation of the accesses, the provision of facilities, and the like.....

In 2019, 619.110 tourists visited the synagogue, making it the second most visited cultural site in the Andalusia region. In July 2020, despite the pandemic, the synagogue had more than 6.000 visitors — surpassing last year’s numbers.