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18.3.2021. 17:30
From Amsterdam to Toronto, world’s mayors rally to stop antisemitism

While advocacy and policy geared toward combating antisemitism often occurs solely at a national or international level, antisemitic acts occur principally in local communities.

Mayors from some of the world’s major cities met in a virtual forum to discuss ways to stop the spread of antisemitism and eradicate prejudice from their municipalities. The first-ever “Mayors Summit Against Anti-Semitism,” sponsored by the Frankfurt am Main Municipality, in partnership with the Combat Anti-Semitism Movement (CAM), brought together 44 leaders from 32 cities around the world who conducted a frank and open discussion about the importance of fighting antisemitism in cities worldwide.

Gradonačelnici nekih od najvećih gradova organizirali su "virtualni" forum kako bi diskutirali načine kako da u svojim gradovima zaustave širenje antisemitizma i iskorijene predrasude. Ovaj prvi “Mayors Summit Against Anti-Semitism" sponzoriran je od grada Frankfurta na Maini zajedno sa CAM ( Combat Anti-Semitism Movement), okupio je 44 lidera iz 32 grada iz cijelog svijeta. Imali su otvorenu diskusiju o važnosti borbe protiv antisemitizma. To je značajno zbog toga što se borba protiv antisemitizma najčešće odvija pojedinačno na lokalnom nivou ili  nacionalnom nivou. 

Na samitu su pokazane praktične metode i načini edukacije, zakoni, sigurnost,   IHRA definicija antisemitizma, kako da se smanje traume i koja je važnost međureligijskih odnosa i odnosa među zajednicama. Ta je konferencija prvi korak u stvaranju globalne mreže "gradonačelnika" koji će se zajedno boriti protiv antisemitizma....

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Speaking at the conference and reflecting upon the upsurge of antisemitic behavior in Europe, MichaelO’Flaherty, director of the European Union Fundamental Rights Agency, commented:
“antisemitism is a serious problem in our societies, and it is getting worse. This is not just a problem for the Jewish community – it is a problem for all of us; it is a challenge to the values on which we base our societies and our communities. Here in Europe, if we fail our Jewish community, then we have failed as the modern European project.”

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