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Novosti News

22.6.2021. 8:14
Europska zajednica
M ajor international Jewish organizations today presented the European Commission with recommendations to combat antisemitism and to foster Jewish life , ahead of the publication of the European Union’s first-ever strategy to combat Jew-hatred.

Glavne interncionalne židovske organizacije  su predstavke Europskoj komisiji preporuke kako se boriti protiv antisemitizma  i unaprijediti židovski život. Radi se o publikaciji Europske unije sa prvom strategijom borbe protiv mržnje .

Sudjelovale su:

The European Jewish Congress (EJC), the World Jewish Congress (WJC), B’nai B’rith International (BBI), the American Jewish Committee Transatlantic Institute (AJC-TAI), The European Union of Jewish Students (EUJS), the European Association for the Preservation and Promotion of Jewish Culture and Heritage (AEPJ), the European Union for Progressive Judaism (EUPJ), B’nai B’rith Europe (BBE), and CEJI – 

Očekuje se od Europske komisije da pojača svoj rad na donošenju Europske strategije, kako je najavila  potpredsjednica Europske komisije Margaritis Shinas.
Preporuke se osnivaju na deklaraciji Europskog koncila o borbi protiv antisemiztizma  usvojene od svih država Europske zajednice  u prosincu 2020. godine.

The recommendations build on the Council Declaration on mainstreaming the fight against antisemitism across policy areas, adopted unanimously by all EU member states in December 2020, and make concrete proposals for a wide spectrum of EU policy portfolios.